Kamis, 29 Desember 2011


Oleh Dr. Marsigit M.A.

Concluding Remark
Learning fractions in junior high school have Competency Standards. That  is to enable students understand the properties of numbers and arithmetic operations use to solving the problem. Realistic Mathematics learning  fractions through an emphasis on construction of the context of concrete objects as a starting point for students to acquire mathematical concepts. Concrete objects and environmental objects around can be used as a context for learning mathematics in building mathematical connections through social interaction. Reflecting on the activities of students in the study of fractions expected students should be given opportunities to explore and reflect on the concept alternative ideas about fractions that affect learning further, acquiring knowledge  is a process changes include the addition, creation, modification, refinement,
rearrangement and rejection, and implements fractions. While the teacher as facilitator, initiator, mediator, and communicator in studying this fraction.


Oleh Dr. Marsigit M.A.

Concluding Remark

The problems affects of teacher is a method of learning math. The method used is still a classic that is lectured and gave work for student. With this method then the teacher’s math have difficulty: serving the diverse needs / demands of the students in learning mathematics, encourage underachieving students to improve academic achievement, encouraging students to actively learn, use and develop mathematical props and encourage students to learn through collaboration. Teachers is expected to develop a learning system that is more creative, efficient and effective. Research on the absorption of students, student behavior, student learning outcomes are very useful in the development of mathematics teaching methods. So the teacher does not just look at the test results but also in the process of teaching and learning activities that take place. For schools, government and universities can also cooperate for the sake of enhancement quality of mathematics education in Indonesia.


By Dr. Marsigit M.A.
Kesimpulan Membaca

Mempromosikan cara berpikir tentang matematika untuk SD dan SMP merupakan hal yang penting. Dalam mempelajari matematika terdapat tiga komponen dalam pemikiran matematika yaitu sikap terhadap matematika, metode belajar matematika dan isi matematika. Berpikir matematika dapat dilakukan melalui mengidentifikasi dan menskema dalam masalah yang nyata. Metode matematika secara nyata dapat melalui idealis, abstraksi, deduksi, induksi, dan penyederhanaan. Namun dalam kenyataannya kriteria berpikir ini mulai muncul ketika siswa menghadapi masalah model matematika.

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011


Oleh Dr. Marsigit M.A.

Concluding Remark

The development of mathematics education globally, providing input that the learning system will also change. The role of an educator is beginning to shift.
Revitalization of mathematics education is an attempt to direct the education system towards a new paradigm. In realizing the revitalization of education is not easy depending on the awareness and support. If done only half of that paradigm will not appear as it should.
That teachers are better able to realize the revitalization of education learning
mathematics that fosters the creativity of students, referring to the recommendation
Cockroft Report (1982) as well as the elaboration of Ebbut, S and Straker, A (1995). As for the suggestions submitted by the planning stages of preparation to teach the system to be used in the study of mathematics and activities to be performed. The next stage is to develop the role of teacher learning and timing. The last stage of the evaluation is to observe the success of student activities, evaluate yourself, and evaluate the processes, values​​, the results have been achieved.

The Effort to Increase the Student’s Motivation in Mathematics Learning with Some Teaching Aids in Junior High School 5 Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

By Dr. Marsigit M.A. and Ida Supadmi

Kesimpulan Membaca

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah yang ditemukan di kelas dari 2 kelas SMP 5 Wates Sekolah, Kulon Progo Yogyakarta, Indonesia di tiga kuartal pertama tahun akademik 2001/2002. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah untuk memilih dan menggunakan alat bantu mengajar, yang digunakan sebagai model pembelajaran dalam belajar mengajar matematika melalui tindakan penelitian kelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tindakan penelitian dengan menggunakan beberapa alat bantu mengajar seperti di papan paku, karet tangan, bermain kartu, lembar kerja siswa, simpul kertas, transparansi kertas, benang sipat, tiga  bilah kayu bisa digunakan sebagai model dalam pengajaran matematika untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar. Hal ini merupakan salah satu upaya guru dalam meningkatkan kualitas siswa dengan memperhatikan daya tarik siswa terhadap pelajaran matematika. Memaksimalkan penggunaan alat bantu pengajaran seperti lat demonstrasi diharapkan dapat membantu proses abstraksi siswa dimana merupakan salah satu kesulitan siswa dalam mempelajari matematika.

Pembudayaan Matematika di Sekolah Untuk Mencapai Keunggulan Bangsa

Oleh Dr. Marsigit M.A.                  

Concluding Remark

A nation of excellence not only  in technology but also can be through mathematics. Mathematics instead of civilizing means every thing to learn is mathematics but the understanding of the meaning mathematics in various dimensions. The dimensions of the intended dimensions of concrete such as concrete forms that exist in everyday life and mathematical dimensions have in mind. Mathematical communication includes communication materials, formal communication, normative communication and spiritual communication. Acculturation of mathematics can contribute to nation of excellence through innovation learning mathematics performed on a continuous and again. Due to other sciences will not be separated from mathematics. Mathematics can be used as a base and also to develop one's mind becomes more critical as well as provide guidance to solve a problem.